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Sugar Mountain Fraser Firs was started in 1980 when the first trees were planted on Sugar Mountain. For the next ten years, the rotation was established as I split time between tree farming on the weekends and practicing foresty in Fairfield County, SC during the week.

In 1987, after acquiring a wife/partner and a daughter, retail sales began on Decker Road with a satellite lot at our home in Ridgeway, SC. After a couple of moves, we had a long run next to Jimmy's Mart on Two Notch Road, before moving to our present location across from The Village at Sandhills. During that time, we recognized the importance of having shade on the lot to shield our trees from sunlight and also for aesthetics, always striving to duplicate the "walk in the woods" aspect of selecting a tree. Because both of our sons were born in Columbia, the strong bond remained after moving to the mountain in 1991.

Although our children are no longer located in our area, all of them enjoy popping in to help out on occasion.  Jeri, retired from teaching, is on the retail lot full time.  Son Mitchell continues to carve out a month in his job in Virginia to come run the retail lot as well.  We look forward to continuing our commitment in Columbia for many years to come.

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